Out on the Tiles

October 2010

It only cost parts, labor, and a $50 copay at the emergency room!

The tile phase started with this process.

Brian hand cut all of these slate and granite tiles, which are seen here awaiting their tile destinies

This is the monster saw that was used ...

... and that accidently fell on Brian as he was trying to move it, taking a chunk of skin for itself!

Micah cleaning and prepping the tiles!

And then Daddy placed the tiles and spacers

Here's the whole team, with John trimming irregular tiles when necessary

The Spanish Tile house numbers, appropriately "spaced out"

Ultimately, it was then time for the dreadded scaffolding

Not the most fun for those of us afraid of heights ...

After all the tiles were attached, Micah helped clean off stray pieces of adhesive

We sealed the slate well and then applied grout, using a homemade "pastry bag" made out of a bag from Little's shoe store

Even though it looks kind of cool, we did ultimately wipe off the excess grout

After just another round of sealing and cleaning it up, voila!

Close-up to check out the detail around the house numbers

It was so engrossing that I even used some of the excess to tile the mailbox! (There's a fine line between creative and pathological ...)

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