The Primack Times
April 2010
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CMU Spring Carnival 2010

Yet another great reason to live in Pittsburgh! Here you can see the view of the carnival from high atop the Ferris Wheel. The students build really creative and quirky booths. This year, some highlights were booths about what life would be like if kids wrote history, a giant Twister game made by the architecture students, and a bigger-than-life computer inside which you had to find and destroy the Y2K bug.

And of course there are great carnival rides. Here is Micah riding with the panda he won all by himself at the darts booth.

Sadie is driving on her favorite car ride.

And here are the kiddos together. Sadie is showing off her big doggie. It only took Daddy $5 at skee-ball this year! Hey, Panda, what are you lookin' at?

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