The Primack Times
March 2011
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Fridge "No-Clutter" Rule Allowed Crucial Exception

Ever since getting a stainless-steel-looking fridge, the Pittsburgh Primacks made a pact to try to keep it from becoming a dumping ground for various coffee-stained papers curled at the edges. However, an exception was recently granted for some impressive artwork.

This unprecedented turn of events occurred because of the great quality of Micah and Sadie's magnetic character "Joe" and his myriad magnetic outfits and accessories.

Here is Joe, in all his glory.

Joe is a fan of soccer. He may be slightly growing out of his uniform from last season, but he is so attached to it that he suits up in it whenever he can.

Joe's race car and outfit exhibit the usual flair. He is currently accepting sponsorships. If you would like to advertise on his uniform, please contact his agent.

Joe's got plenty to eat and play with. And he's artistic too -- check out his palatte of colors and notebook complete with several filled pages.

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