The Primack Times
June 2012
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Stuff collects. All the summer sports are great, but the resulting clutter is a challenge. So, we built this sportganization center on the back porch!

This is my personal favorite touch. I cut PVC tubing to equal lenghts with a mitre saw. Then, I arranged the tubes inside a cinder block and filled in the gaps so they fit snugly. The result: something just right for all of the rackets!

This was a $5 piece of junk at Construction Junction, which is a local place you can recycle used building materials. Jen, the kids and I painted it to match the nearby back door. I cut pieces of screen to the right size to shield balls from getting out on three sides. I mounted the screen with a heavy-duty staple gun. After adding some hooks for ball pumps, voila! We have a cool ball station.

This was also a piece of junk, just in need of a paint job and some hooks on the sides.

Some leftover baskets added the perfect organizational touch -- they were easy to mount with drywall screws and large washers. The perfect place for smaller balls, shuttlecocks, and the like. Jen has been teaching me a lot about upcycling!

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